- 输入计数、类型和速度
- 16点源;2~512mS可选
- 电源电压和开/关电压
- 18-30VDC;开 >1.2mA 关<0.3mA
- 目前的消费
- 系统50mA;场 190mA
- 特殊能力
- 脉冲计数选项
- PAC8000 I/O 是一个完全模块化的 I/O 解决方案,适用于通用和危险区域应用。它提供多种 I/O 功能,并具有开放式架构,通过选择适当类型的总线接口模块 (BIM) 或控制器,可以与各种不同的现场总线进行通信。
- 现场端子(每个 I/O 模块一个)卡在载体上并接受现场接线,无需额外的端子或连接。如果在现场损坏,它们可以很容易地更换。全面的机械键控系统确保设备安全。
- 载体通过提供安装到平板或 T 型或 G 型 DIN 导轨上来形成 PAC8000 的物理和电气主干。它们支持和互连 BIM 或控制器、电源、I/O 模块和现场终端,并承载内部 Railbus 的地址、数据和电源线
- 返回内部共用
- 脉冲计数选项
- 需要 24 V 直流总线现场电源
利用 MEMS 技术进行压力传感
总而言之,压力传感器有很多不同的类型,而 MEMS 技术的进步使半导体行业能够大批量生产经济的压力传感器。
小尺寸、低功耗、嵌入式补偿和坚固的封装使 MEMS 压力传感器能够用于许多以前可能的工业应用。
行业文章是一种内容形式,允许行业合作伙伴以编辑内容不太适合的方式与 All About Circuits 读者分享有用的新闻、消息和技术。
The second sensor constantly measures the ambient air pressure, which can then be subtracted from the pressure value to obtain the gauge pressure in the tube.
Using Pressure Sensors for Drone and Robotics Applications
Drone and robotics applications are other key applications for pressure sensors. Drones use barometric pressure sensors to detect altitude, which is extremely useful for Altitude Hold.
Thanks to the sensor's small size, low power and noise, high accuracy, and immunity to vibration, modern pressure sensors can detect an absolute altitude of <3 m, with a minimum detectable change in altitude of just a few cm.
To avoid collisions, the altitude or z-axis (shown in Figure 4) component is extremely important in cases where the drone must fly in permitted altitudes or ‘slots.'
This approach puts two absolute pressure sensors in a large and small cavity and detects the pressures in each. With any airflow, the pressure is higher in the small section and lower in the larger cavity. Measuring the difference in pressure across the pipe allows the calculation of the flow rate.
Leveraging MEMS Technology for Pressure Sensing
All in all, there are many different types of pressure sensors, and the progress of MEMS technology has helped enabled the semiconductor industry to make economic pressure sensors in high volumes.
The small size, low power consumption, embedded compensation, and robust packaging allow MEMS pressure sensors to be used in many industrial applications that were possible before.
Modern industrial systems use a mixture of sensor technologies to deploy systems that run more efficiently with less wasted energy.
All images used courtesy of STMicroelectronics
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